Memories of Children in Halloween Costumes

please click on photo to enlarge for greater details.

many children love to dress up for halloween in america. long island natives are no exception. I can never get over the fact that every year people stockpile their homes with candy in anticipation of halloween trick or treaters such as this witch and this bumble bee. then again, everyone was a child at one point in their lives.

this photo was taken in 1995 in the suburbs of long island.
if you would like to participate in abc wednesdays, go here. todays letter is the letter M.
my picture is about memories, wonderful ones, here on long island.


Rinkly Rimes said…
Although Halloween is vaguely mentioned in Australia we don't really celebrate it. But it obviously brings a lot of pleasure to children in your part of the world.
MumbaiiteAnu said…
I'm still learning about Halloween from the many who are blogging about it. I read about it in Archies Comics as a kid.
Great photo. Sounds like fun.

My 'M' for Mumbai Machhi-walis
bobbie said…
Cute costumes. Cute kids.

I've already written a post I'll publish closer to Halloween about my childhood memories of the day. Sadly, it isn't what it used to be.
AphotoAday said…
Thinking back on it, I never spent a lot of time on my costume -- my interest was purely in how full I was going to get my sack of candy...
Anonymous said…
It's intriguing to me, as a Brit. Nobody 'did' Halloween when I was a child, and yet it seems part of every American's fond childhood memories!

That little bee is so cute!! Is the beautiful witch his sister?
ayamlin said…
Thank you for your comment on my blog:)
by the way speakinf of Halloween,
I remember ET!

I read your profile!
Oh, you live in NY!!
Actually I love SATC!!
when I saw few episode in the first season, I used to thing it was not my taste. but the more I see the drama, the more I love it.
Because it's about women's friendships!

and I love six sense, too!!
I also love sign!
gma said…
I have happy Halloween memories too! Very cute!
Reader Wil said…
I thought halloween was on 31st October? Anyway I like your photo!
Maria's Space said…
Awww sweet memories. I always loved Halloween.
Miss_Yves said…
Lovely picture!Cute children
And "M"is for "merci" for your kind comment on my blog!
miss Yves
Liz Hinds said…
What a sweet little bumblebee!
Bear Naked said…
Halloween used to be fun when my kids were young before all the sickos in the country changed it forever.
Now where I live, the date is changed to a Friday or Saturday, there is no more door to door trick or treating and never any homemade Halloween goodies for the kids.
How very sad.
(But I still love Halloween!)

Bear((( )))
Leslie: said…
I thought of the word "memories" too but couldn't decide which to use, so I went with when I took my daughter to the Scottish moors. Her favourite holiday is Halloween as it's 2 days after her birthday! So we have LOTS of great Halloween/birthday memories! :D
Neva said…
very nice.....
earthlingorgeous said…
Soon it will no longer be a memory but a reality as kids will be everywhere wearing their Halloween costumes! Marvelous post just in time!
Katney said…
cute costumes. I remember my kids always started asking about their Halloween costume about mid-August. I would tell them it was too early, that any costume tha took more than a day to make was too much. We had some doozies.
Anonymous said…
it is indeed almost halloween! this will be the first for our little one and am excite about it!
Anonymous said…
the kids are so cute !
Unknown said…
I really, really, really LOVE this picture : ). It made my day!
Anonymous said…
LOL! So cute.

Ming the Merciless said…
Oh my gosh, how cute is that little bumble bee.

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