Memories of Children in Halloween Costumes

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many children love to dress up for halloween in america. long island natives are no exception. I can never get over the fact that every year people stockpile their homes with candy in anticipation of halloween trick or treaters such as this witch and this bumble bee. then again, everyone was a child at one point in their lives.
this photo was taken in 1995 in the suburbs of long island.
if you would like to participate in abc wednesdays, go here. todays letter is the letter M.
my picture is about memories, wonderful ones, here on long island.
Great photo. Sounds like fun.
My 'M' for Mumbai Machhi-walis
I've already written a post I'll publish closer to Halloween about my childhood memories of the day. Sadly, it isn't what it used to be.
That little bee is so cute!! Is the beautiful witch his sister?
Thank you for your comment on my blog:)
by the way speakinf of Halloween,
I remember ET!
I read your profile!
Oh, you live in NY!!
Actually I love SATC!!
when I saw few episode in the first season, I used to thing it was not my taste. but the more I see the drama, the more I love it.
Because it's about women's friendships!
and I love six sense, too!!
I also love sign!
And "M"is for "merci" for your kind comment on my blog!
miss Yves
Now where I live, the date is changed to a Friday or Saturday, there is no more door to door trick or treating and never any homemade Halloween goodies for the kids.
How very sad.
(But I still love Halloween!)
Bear((( )))