halloween spiders

does this strike you as odd? I love this idea. I think the keepers of this house have a lovely sense of humor. while we were taking pictures a woman walking by told us about a home in wantagh that has a pirate ship on their front lawn. according to her, there will be pirates acting out frightening scenarios halloween night. there is more to this story too. she said somehow they raise money for breast cancer research. I am hoping I will be able to find out more about this halloween pirate ship. what is the best halloween decoration you have ever seen?
if you would like to see more "odd shots" check out katney's blogroll on her sidebar at her blog, katney's kaboodle, by clicking here.
I would have stayed away.
PS Re you comment: I'm' glad that cows don't' fly...
They had an article in Friday's Newsday about the local houses. The one that I put up in Levittown is there, and they have about the one in Wantagh with the pirate ship.